Wednesday, October 17, 2012

And then the weekend died..

There's nothing in the world that feels quite as good as proving someone wrong. Remember this blog post on Reverse Psychology? About how when someone doubts me it just makes me want to shove it in their face? Yeah, well that seemed to work out well because this past weekend's Rocktoberfest went really well! I was able to do my duet with Another Lost Year, nothing went wrong (besides their generator not working and out set being pushed back, no big deal tho'), and we wound up having a great time! Monday's show at Baltimore Soundstage went pretty well too, if you ignore certain less than savory fans that seem to come whenever there's a hardcore band around.

I have nothing against the hardcore genre in general, but sometimes their fans... well, they're not my favorite fans, I'll say that.

But we made some new fans, so these past two gigs worked out pretty well. I came home on Saturday to find Willy had gone out late with friends and wound up staying up to wait for him. His phone died, so after he stopped speaking to me for about 6 hours I began imagining what the coroner in DC would say...

"White male, red hair, goatee, smells like beer, found dead at the Friendship Heights Metro station..."

But he came home safe and I gave him a good talking-to about going out alone without letting me know his destination and who he was with. To be honest, most of my time home this weekend was spent sleeping. I got 2 prescriptions from my orthopedist, recently; a strong painkiller, and a muscle relaxer. I can't take either while drinking, so I have to make a conscious decision on which it's gonna be. This weekend it was drinking.. but yanno what? I never really got too drunk. I'm kinda disappointed. I got tipsy at Rocktoberfest, but not as drunk as I would have liked. Same thing at Noise in the Basement. Slightly tipsy, with a headache too. Not fun.

I think I'm gonna need to start organizing my drinking in a better way. I've been doing vodka/diet coke or diet Red Bull lately, but I find that I don't find my sweet spot unless I'm drinking a lot more than I used to. I don't like that.. I used to be such a cheap date! I'm still getting to that happy place on dirty martinis, but I can't usually get a dirty martini at the kind of "establishments" I usually go to. I'm gonna have to start coming up with a game plan for my drinking..

...starting with the Renn Faire this Saturday! This is the last weekend of the MD Renn Faire so Willy and I will be going on Saturday. The game plan? Filling my mug with beer. Several times.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


My bad. I haven't written anything in a while. I'm not sure if I have anything worth writing today, but I'm gonna give it the ole college try!

Things are better, at work. I've been placed in the full reception/security position, so I'm doing what I'm used to; sitting down, typing, checking in guests, answering phones, ect. I like it. It leaves me a bit of extra time to do a lot of scheming, though. In true I WANNA WORK I WANNA WORK I WANNA WORK Nina fashion, I've started various projects. Here are a few of them:

1. Started a short story for Halloween.
2. Wrote up a menu for an O'Toro's food cart.
3. Researched home beer brewing (I made mead at home!).
4. Planned a Christmas party.

Well, all my scheming must have annoyed the hell out of Willy because apparently it stresses him out. I don't know why, but he told me to focus on one thing at a time, which I have a terrible time doing. So for now, it's time for me to do more Halloween Party planning, which is gonna take a bit more effort now that this party has exploded. It's actually got a theme now (it's a surprise!) and a lot more people are coming than I expected, so we're working with Willy's dad to make it look as good as we can.

In other news, I'm done recording for Queen of Hell and Time's Arrow! It was a lengthy process, but it's beautiful. Also, I have two gigs this week! I'll be in South Carolina for Rocktoberfest on Friday, followed by Noise in the Basement for 98 Rock on Sunday and Monday. METAL!