Friday, October 23, 2009

It's true!

I've gotta go to work in a few, and after that, it's off to see Saw 6!! YAAAAAAY!! Yes, there has been a Saw movie for every year Willy and I have been together, and I will be sad when they go away. Every year it's like a new chapter in the Saw saga, and I never want it to end!!Anyway, it's true, I am brown. Here's a friend of mine and myself at the KISS concert. Yup, that's me in the make-up, doing my best Paul Stanley face. I thought I'd put up a picture real quick just to illustrate how brown I am, because I'm one of those shades that can be associated with nearly any race. Is she Indian? American Native? Egyptian? White? Half black? Who knows! I've been asked if I was all of these things, which I'm kind of proud of, because I means I ever need to, I can sneak through society like a spy...


Carlos said...

you are a total super spy...

Fat Daddy said...

a spy that totally sticks out with a big black star on your face.

I hope KISS rocked!

Lucas said...

Brown is hawt.

screwdestiny said...

Ooh, Egyptian would be really boss. How exotic. Yeah, that's what I'd tell people.